
[vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” content_placement=”middle” css=”.vc_custom_1478624657461{background-color: #3274b0 !important;}”][vc_column css=”.vc_custom_1478623833720{background-color: #3274b0 !important;}”][st_buildingx_banner_layout breadcrumb=”off” bg_size=”inherit” title=”.” desc=”.” background_image=”727″ color_title=”#a4adb4″ color_desc=”#ffffff”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” css=”.vc_custom_1473146785654{padding-top: 50px !important;padding-bottom: 80px !important;background-color: #ebeff2 !important;}”][vc_column][st_heading element_tag=”h1″ text=”What Our Patients Are Saying” margin_bottom=”30″][vc_column_text]Here are some testimonials from some of our patients about Dr. Parish and the chiropractic treatment that she provides.  Please feel free to read through and enjoy!![/vc_column_text][st_testimonial style=”simple” s_name=”Regina H.” s_content_items=”Dr. Parish has been instrumental in relieving neck pain I have suffered with. She explains what is going on, and what we need to do to manage my condition. Her continued care has allowed me to live without the pain and enjoy life every day. I have great confidence in her, and recommend her to anyone suffering with neck or back issues. “][st_testimonial style=”simple” s_name=”Angie C.” s_content_items=”I recently met Christel at a horsemanship clinic and had heard from a friend that she did a fantastic job on her very damaged hips and lower back. I have always been very skeptical of chiropractors because of a few bad experiences I had many years ago after a separate car and livestock accident. However, my respected friend said I should give her a try and I did. I have had a bad left shoulder for over 20 years and had rotator cuff repair surgery about three years ago. While that improved my range of motion, the chronic pain has never dissipated. Christel was nothing short of a miracle worker. She worked my shoulder differently than even the PT did and provided much needed relief. Relief that I had not experienced in a couple of decades. My shoulder still pops grinds and hurts, and she told me that part may never go away, but the relief from the adjustment in the shoulder and neck were fantastic. Coming from a one-time skeptic, I would utilize Christel and plan to every chance I can.”][st_testimonial style=”simple” s_name=”Steve A.” s_content_items=”I first had an encounter with Dr. Parish at a restaurant we both visit frequently. She introduced herself and explained she was a chiropractor. I mentioned to her I had lost faith in chiropractic healing. I went on to tell her that I have suffered with lower back pain for several years. The last chiropractor I was treated by was, by far the worst experience I have ever had. Dr. Parish was so kind to apologize.
I went on to explain that I had been receiving weekly massage therapy for a deep-seated spasm in my right hip, the massages gave temporary relief, but soon the pain would return. In fact the pain can get so intense about two or three times a year I needed medications for relief, muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatory, etc. She stated this was common and convinced me to come and see her. I was tired of the pain and discomfort. Upon, her first exam of my spine and hips, she was able to determine the cause of the spasm. Prior to her manual manipulation, she massaged the surrounding muscles, which made the adjustments painless. As with the last chiropractor I mentioned, he would just throw you up on his table and crack away, then leave the treat room with a “see you next week”, with no real concern for how I felt or if the treatment was working.
After my first visit with Dr. Parish, I not only felt immediate relief but also, the tilt I was walking with was diminished.
I have been seeing Dr. Parish for about six months now, on a declining frequency and I am still seeing improvement and have been pain free. I have also been able to stop the weekly massage therapy. Needless to say my faith in chiropractic medicine has been restored thanks to Dr. Parish.”][st_testimonial style=”simple” s_name=”Rex N.” s_content_items=”I want to thank Dr. Parrish for a down to earth approach to Chiropractic Care or “chiropractial” approach. She takes the time to explain the issues and approach to correcting it (even if you are not willing to follow all of her advice which is my loss).”][/vc_column][/vc_row]