Sports Injury Treatment

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If you’re an athlete, you understand the numerous demands of participating in a sport such as running, jumping and tackling. Putting your body through these activities can result in painful tears, sprains, and strains.

Chiropractic treatment has received much attention in regards to its successful management of sporting injuries. Since the majority of sports injuries are soft tissue in nature and because many of injuries arise from improper body biomechanics and improper sporting techniques, chiropractic doctors have become the doctors of choice – from the weekend warrior to the professional athlete.

The main reasons athletes suffer sports injuries include forceful impacts, repetitive motions, over-training and failure to warm up properly. Chiropractors can help athletes by relieving their pain and helping them heal faster after an injury. Regular visits will promote quicker recovery after games and training as well as better balance and overall performance.

Chiropractic treatment, through the use of safe and natural spinal adjustment techniques, physiotherapy applications, soft tissue mobilization, stretching and exercise programs, diet and nutritional counseling, and extensive biomechanical training, focuses on all causes which have led to the symptoms of pain and tissue injury and do not focus on solely eliminating pain.

Chiropractors treat and help to prevent injuries of the neck, back, shoulder, knee, ankle, and foot. They’re skilled in manual adjustment of the spine, ensuring proper biomechanics of the joints, which helps relieve tension in the body. This allows for improved function of the body making you less susceptible to injury. The goal of most chiropractic techniques is to restore or enhance joint function while resolving joint inflammation and reducing pain. This hands-on therapy is often used to treat neck or back injuries but also relieves pain throughout the joints and muscles in the body.

Chiropractors may also incorporate other treatment methods to relieve pain such as ice, heat or electric stimulation. Be sure to discuss all of your symptoms with your doctor in order for him or her to consider all treatment options.

In addition to treating injuries, chiropractors can also help you prevent injuries from occurring. Before beginning an exercise regimen or a sport, it’s recommended that athletes get evaluated by a chiropractor. Chiropractors can check your muscles and spine to detect imbalance and alleviate tension so that the body can work naturally rather than be prone to injury.

If you’re experiencing pain from a sports injury, consider seeing a chiropractor. You may want to schedule regular check-ups to prevent injuries from occurring and to keep your body performing properly.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]