Left in a hurry?

Many times I have run out in a hurry and forgot to pack a meal.  Instead of stopping at a fast food place or grabbing the first thing I see, I have a handful of “go to places” that will help keep me on track.

  1. Snappy Salad is probably one of my favorite places to go when I forget a meal.  I order a half salad which allows you to choose 8 toppings.  Stick with vegetables, 1 fruit, and vinaigrette for a dressing to keep on track.
  2. Snap Kitchen – this place is AMAZING!  Pre-made meals that are portioned out for the right balance.  They also have vegan and or vegetarian options.
  3. My fit foods – also another place that makes meal portioned out to be balanced.  I find that the foods at Snap Kitchen are fresher, and the employees get to know you as a repeat customer.
  4. Whole Foods – this place can be good and bad.  Be careful with what you get at whole foods, not everything there is “healthy”.  Staying on the salad and vegetable side will help benefit you more than you know.  Casseroles are known to have hidden calories and will take you off track quickly.
  5. Zoë’s Kitchen – Another favorite that offers fresh food.  You cannot go wrong with most of their selections.


If you have not been able to try these places, I will be excited to hear about your experience.

– Dr. Parish, D.C.